Well with this you’ll be able to get them again. This is a python code that will go into your computer and find the location of previously saved wifi ssid and passwords.
#get wifi passwords from windows computer
import os
import subprocess
import re
import json
command_output = subprocess.run(["netsh", "wlan", "show", "profiles"], capture_output = True).stdout.decode()
# We imported the re module so that we can make use of regular expressions.
# We want to find all the Wifi names which is always listed after "ALL User Profile :".
# In the regular expression we create a group of all characters until the return escape sequence (\r) appears.
profile_names = (re.findall("All User Profile : (.*)\r", command_output))
# We create an empty list outside of the loop where dictionaries with all the wifi
# username and passwords will be saved.
wifi_list = list()
# If we didn't find profile names we didn't have any wifi connections,
# so we only run the part to check for the details of the wifi and
# whether we can get their passwords in this part.
if len(profile_names) != 0:
for name in profile_names:
# Every wifi connection will need its own dictionary which will be appended to the wifi_list
wifi_profile = dict()
# We now run a more specific command to see the information about the specific wifi connection
# and if the Security key is not absent we can possibly get the password.
profile_info = subprocess.run(["netsh", "wlan", "show", "profile", name], capture_output = True).stdout.decode()
# We use a regular expression to only look for the absent cases so we can ignore them.
if re.search("Security key : Absent", profile_info):
# Assign the ssid of the wifi profile to the dictionary
wifi_profile["ssid"] = name
# These cases aren't absent and we should run them "key=clear" command part to get the password
profile_info_pass = subprocess.run(["netsh", "wlan", "show", "profile", name, "key=clear"], capture_output = True).stdout.decode()
# Again run the regular expressions to capture the group after the : which is the password
password = re.search("Key Content : (.*)\r", profile_info_pass)
# Check if we found a password in the regular expression. All wifi connections will not have passwords.
if password == None:
wifi_profile["password"] = None
# We assign the grouping (Where the password is contained) we are interested to the password key in the dictionary.
wifi_profile["password"] = password[1]
# We append the wifi information to the wifi_list
result = json.dumps(wifi_list)
for x in range(len(wifi_list)):
with open('wifi_list.txt', 'w') as wf:
This will also write you a text document called wifi_list.txt which will have all the info written down. I would recommend deleting this once you’ve found the password you are looking for.